Mission for Vision

ANDREW DOAN, M.D., PhD. (Current Publications)


Bachelor of Arts, Department of Biology - Reed College

M.D.-Ph.D. Degree - The Johns Hopkins University , School of Medicine


Internal Medicine Internship – University of Iowa

Ophthalmology Residency – University of Iowa

Ophthalmic Pathology Fellowship – UCLA/Jules Stein, Ben Glasgow, MD


Research Internship Awarded by the Medical Research Foundation of Oregon- (1989)
Academic Honors in Biology - Reed College (1990)
Alvin-Pearson Memorial Scholarship (1990)
Jack Smith Memorial Scholarship, Security Pacific Bank Scholarship, and Portland General Electric Merit Scholarship (1991)
Commended for Excellence in Scholarship - Reed College (89-90, 90-91 & 91-92)
National Institutes of Heath Grant for Underrepresented Minorities - (1992)

Travel Award – Society for Neuroscience (1992)
Medical Scientist Training Program - Johns Hopkins U., School of Medicine (1993-2001)

AFAR/Glenn Foundation Research Scholarship- (1999)

US Navy FAP for Ophthalmology – (2002-2006)

Allergan Unrestricted Grant for www.eyerounds.org - (2004)
University of Iowa , Dept. of Ophthalmology, Resident Research Grant– (2004)

ARVO Travel Grant – (2005)

Heed Fellowship – (2005-2006)

Society of Heed Fellows, one selected yearly – (2005)


Phi Beta Kappa (1993)

Society of Heed Fellows (2005)


Urbanski, H.F., Doan, A., and Pierce, M. (1991). Immunocytochemical investigation of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone neurons in Syrian hamsters maintained under long or short days. Biology of Reproduction, 44, 687-692.

Urbanski, H.F., Doan, A., Pierce, M., Fahrenbach, W.H., and Collins, P.M. (1992). Maturation of the hypothalamopituitary-gonadal axis of male Syrian hamsters. Biology of Reproduction, 46, 991-996.

Doan, A. and Urbanski, H.F. (1994). Diurnal expression of Fos in luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone neurons of Syrian hamsters. Biology of Reproduction, 50, 301-308.

Doan, A., Thinakaran, G., Borchelt, D.R., Slunt, H.H., Ratovitsky, T., Podlisny, M., Selkoe, D.J., Seeger, M., Gandy, S.E., Price, D.L., and Sisodia, S.S. (1996). Protein topology of presenilin 1. Neuron, 17, 1023-1030.

Xiao B., Tu J.C., Petralia R.S., Yuan J.P., Doan A ., Breder C.D., Ruggiero A., Lanahan A.A., Wenthold R.J., and Worley P.F. (1998). Homer regulates the association of group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors with multivalent complexes of homer-related, synaptic proteins. Neuron 21(4):707-716.

Tu JC, Xiao B, Naisbitt S, Yuan JP, Petralia RS, Brakeman P, Doan A, Aakalu VK, Lanahan AA, Sheng M, Worley PF. (1999). Coupling of mGluR/Homer and PSD-95 complexes by the Shank family of postsynaptic density proteins. Neuron. 23(3):583-92.

Boudin H, Doan A , Xia J, Shigemoto R, Huganir RL, Worley P, Craig AM. (2000). Presynaptic clustering of mGluR7a requires the PICK1 PDZ domain binding site. Neuron. Nov;28(2):485-97.

Pokharel D, Doan AP, Lee, AG. (2004). Group B Streptococcus Endogenous Endophthalmitis presenting as Septic Arthritis and a Homonymous Hemianopsia due to Embolic Stroke. American Journal of Ophthalmology, Aug; 138(2): 300-302.

Doan, AP , Lee , SK , Chaloupka, J, Nerad, JA, Lee, AG. (2004). Subperiosteal Hematoma of the Orbit Following an Aneurysm Coiling Procedure. American Journal of Ophthalmology, Oct; 138(4): 680-682.

Price D.L., Wong P.C., Borchelt D.R., Pardo C.A., Thinakaran G., Doan A.P ., Lee M.K., Martin L.J., and Sisodia S.S.: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Alzheimer disease. Lessons from model systems. Rev Neurol ( Paris ) 153(8-9):484-495, 1997.

Doan, AP , Boland, MV, and Oetting, TA. Ophthalmic Pearls: Make the Most of Digital Cameras. American Academy of Ophthalmology, EyeNet, April, 2005.