Study Guide for dental students and dentists

This is a comprehensive study guide for dental students and dentists. On this site you will Histology of the Human Eye for UCLA Dental Students. In addition there is a comprehensive study guide for the Systemic Pathology.

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Friday, February 17, 2006

Histology of the Eye for Dental Students

Study Guide for Eye Histology for Dental Students-
Welcome UCLA Dental Students. It is from the material below that questions will be drawn for examination. As you see it is far more complete than is possible in a 50 minute lecture.
The list below is in a question answer format so you can test yourself. Please simply click on the link to go to the answers. Frequently the link forces you to identify the structures. In this way you can further learn histology of the eye. At the end of this list is a sample of examination questions. The choices are linked to information that will enable you to answer the questions.

  1. Name the bones of each orbital wall.

  2. Which orbital bones are prone to blow out fractures and infection?
  3. Name the paraorbital sinuses and their respective locations (and bones).
  4. Which sinus is most relevant to symptoms encountered by a dentist?
  5. What type of epithelium lines the sinuses?
  6. Describe the location and histology of the lacrimal glands.
  7. Name the 3 major proteins that are produced in the lacrimal gland and their role.
  8. What anatomic structures do the tears traverse as they pass from the lacrimal gland cover the eye and exit the orbital area?
  9. Describe the histology of the tear outflow apparatus.
  10. Name the layers of the eyelid and their functions.
  11. Go to the virtual microscope and click on eyelid and study the histology identify the layers of the eyelid including skin, orbicularis muscle, tarsus, meibomian glands, levator, Muller’s muscle and conjunctiva. Your computer becomes a microscope so move the image and change the magnification!
  12. Go to the virtual microscope and click on eye and study the histology.
  13. In a gross photograph of a sectioned eye identify the following structures:
  14. a. conjunctiva, b. cornea, c. anterior chamber, d. lens, e. trabecular meshwork, f. Schlemm’s canal, g. iris, h. ciliary body, i. Pars plana, j. ora serrata, k. retina, l. macula, m. fovea.
  15. Name and describe the layers of the cornea.
  16. Name and describe the layers of the conjunctiva.
  17. What vital component of the tear film is produced by conjunctiva?
  18. Name and describe the layers of the iris.
  19. With contraction which muscle in the iris diminishes and which one enlarges the size of the pupil?
  20. Describe the anatomic structures that make up the anterior chamber.
  21. Follow the flow of aqueous from the cells of production to its exit from the eye.
  22. Name and describe the layers of the lens.
  23. What is structure and composition of the lens zonule?
  24. Describe the gross structure of the ciliary body, pars plana and pars plicata.
  25. Name and describe the layers of the ciliary body.
  26. What is the function of the ciliary muscle in the ciliary body?
  27. What is the structure of vitreous? Where is it most firmly attached?
  28. Name and describe the layers of the retina.
  29. Compare and contrast the histology of the macula, fovea and peripheral retina.
  30. What is the function of the rods? Of the cones?
  31. Describe the process of phototransduction from a histologic point of view (the tissues responsible for each point in the process.
  32. Name and describe the layers of the optic nerve.
  33. What is the artery whose branches supplies all portions of the optic nerve?
  34. Follow a photon of light as it enters the tear film to the final generation of a nerve impulse that synapses in the lateral geniculate body naming all of the structures in between. Sorry no link; it requires integration of all topics.

Sample Questions for the Final Examination!


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